Campus Sustainability

Sustainability in the Holistic Spirit of Integral Ecology


女人吧视频’s aspiration to lead on sustainability and environmental justice was reinforced by the Reigniting Our Strategic Directions (2022-2027)” foundational goal to institutional participation in Pope Francis’ Seven-year Journey toward Integral Ecology through the Laudato Si' Action Platform (LSAP), putting concrete action behind the goals outlined by the . 女人吧视频 also uses the and as frameworks for measuring progress and identifying the university's contributions towards taking action for people, planet and prosperity. For quick "facts and figures" about SeattleU's sustainability practices, please view the 女人吧视频stainability Infographics page.

女人吧视频’s Definition of Sustainability (2023):

We define sustainability as meeting the needs of present and future generations through actions that support human and ecological health, social justice, and economic well-being.

女人吧视频’s LSAP Vision (2023):

At 女人吧视频, we are committed to an ecological conversion that opens minds and hearts to the sacred task of caring for our common home. This commitment is rooted in ethical responsibility and solidarity between all peoples and future generations. We envision sustainability in the holistic spirit of integral ecology and will adopt institutional practices that are socially just, support human and ecological health and promote economic well-being

Find out more about 女人吧视频’s sustainable practices in the following areas: